by flock studio | Oct 25, 2021 | Design thinking, Digital, Growth, Web Design
flock journal Share stuff, build faster Say the words ‘project management’, and you’re likely to trigger thoughts of powerpoint decks filled with deliverables, the despair of endless conference calls, and trying to coordinate the moon on a stick. Here at Flock, we...
by flock studio | May 14, 2021 | Branding, Design thinking, Digital, Identity
flock journal Using Design to Stand Out in Your Marketplace It’s amazing when you compare websites within a certain sector how similar they look. Take out the logo and the products and the structure for most e-commerce sites, even well-known ones, will share a lot of...
by flock studio | Apr 19, 2021 | Branding, Design thinking, Digital, Ecommerce, Growth, Web Design
flock journal Telling a Story Through Design As a species, we’re hardwired to gravitate towards stories. We’ve been telling tall tales and imagining brand new world’s ever since we started gathering around fires and began forming intelligible sentences. But what has...
by flock studio | Apr 12, 2021 | Branding, Design thinking, Digital, Ecommerce, Growth, Web Design
flock journal Using Design and Online Tools for Coming Out of Lockdown There are a lot of businesses that have struggled to survive during the lockdown. Now that we’re close to opening up again, getting customers back through the door is essential, whether it’s for...
by flock studio | Apr 8, 2021 | Branding, Design thinking, Digital, Ecommerce, Growth, Web Design
flock journal Save Money Through Design and Platforms Whether you’re a new start-up or an established SME, marketing can be a huge challenge. How do you make the most of your budget and still reach your target audience and grow your business? Finding the most...
by flock studio | Mar 4, 2021 | Digital, Ecommerce, Growth, Web Design
flock journal 5 Simple Web Design Principles Which Lead to More Conversions It’s one thing having an attractive looking website, it’s another developing one that regularly converts visitors to customers in high enough numbers. Of course, an attractive,...